Pea tops and Sunflower greens
Eat Your Greens!
a lot of people, say the word “greens” and their minds travel back to soggy
cabbage cooked to death and served up at school. Mega-unappetising and a far
cry from healthy greens!!! Yuk!!
let’s have a look at what could be on
the menu ……. fresh crisp greens brimming full of health giving nutrients such
as rocket, lamb’s lettuce, sunflower greens, broccoli, spinach, kale etc etc.
steamed or tossed in a salad, these can taste delicious whilst boosting our
(hubby) and I start every day with a delish green smoothie. For those wondering
“what on earth?”, we have had a fair number of visitors who thought the same,
but were converted when they tried it and asked for more!! Just a handful of
greens (we use rocket, sunflower greens, pea tops or lamb’s lettuce) with
avocado, bananas and some fresh apple / pineapple juice and we are ready to
face the day, having already eaten at least 4 of our veg / fruit daily quota
(which by the way far exceeds the pathetic 5-a-day!). Cleverly hidden in fruit based smoothies (OK
I admit the colour gives it away!), the greens help to balance our blood sugar
which might well go a little awry with too much fruit sugar on its own, and the
fruit disguises the slightly bitter flavour of the greens. A perfect
marriage!! Why not give it a go and
experiment to see what suits your taste buds? Just start with a small handful
and build up!
is the colour of the heart chakra, which is very appropriate as greens are rich
in Magnesium, a mineral essential for a healthy heart and blood pressure. It
also gives us energy and helps to build strong bones, not to mention helping us
relax. For any stressed bunnies out there, Magnesium is gobbled up like it’s
going out of fashion, so it’s a good idea to include lots of greens in your
daily menu.
those of you who cannot face a green smoothie in the morning, either steam
something like broccoli (purple
sprouting is in season at the mo) or make up a salad and dress with olive oil,
ginger, garlic and lemon. Adding oil doesn’t just enhance the flavour but also
the uptake of fat-soluble vitamins in your veg.
nice to your heart and all your cells - think green, eat green!! Enjoy!!!