- The Reality Flower; Bringing us back down to earth
often hear amusing stories of children, when asked where say bananas come from,
answer “supermarkets”, obviously not knowing the natural source!! We have all become so
divorced from nature, that it is easy to lose sight of what our ancestors would
have considered common knowledge (although let’s face it - some of them might
never have seen an actual banana - but
you get the idea!!)
years I used Bach Flower remedies and simply thought of them as essences in
bottles, without giving a thought to the actual flowers used to make them. This
all changed when I started studying the essences in earnest and now I enjoy
going on an adventure in the wilds (!!) of Surrey, trying to spot as many as
the actual flowers, where and how they grow, can often give us clues as to
their wonderful qualities. A good example of this is when we look at
CLEMATIS. This weekend, in between all
the excitement of Olympic cycling in Dorking, I came across lots of Clematis
when out walking with friends.
is a late bloomer, appearing on the scene in July and August. It is a creeper
with no means of supporting itself, so uses trees, hedges and fences to support
it as it climbs its way up towards the sky and light. The profusion of its exquisite
creamy-white tufted flowers can give its host the appearance of having a cloth of
lace draped over it. In Winter, when everything else is bare, Clematis, aptly
nicknamed “Old Man’s Beard”, resembles fluffy balls of grey cotton wool, giving
hedges an out-of-world appearance.
in a Clematis-state, a person has no interest whatsoever in the here and now.
“In cloud cuckoo land”; “Off with the fairies”; “In La-La land” are all apt
descriptions for such people. Ordinary life holds no interest; reality is too
mundane and dull and the day to day BBN (boring but necessary) tasks are not
for them! They wish to escape into their
fantasy world, perhaps thinking about a place where they would love to live, or
a dream job, but in reality they do no ground work to change their current
circumstances to achieve these! Often
those in Clematis state are very drowsy, using sleep as an escape.
Essence can help ground us and bring us back to the present. It helps us concentrate and have a realistic
perspective on life. This doesn’t mean that it stops our dreaming and
creativity. Instead it can help to channel it into something concrete. Often
with Clematis type people, artistic gifts can go wasted. The essence can help
such creative creatures translate their visions into for example a painting or
is one of the five essences used to make up Rescue Remedy and is included to
alleviate the out-of-body feeling which
often precedes fainting or loss of consciousness.
In all situations, whether
in a day-to-day dreamy state or in an actual emergency, Clematis Essence can
help bring us back to earth.