Cyclists in Dorking, Surrey |
for Gold - Health from the inside out
Here I am - in the middle of August and still no blog entry! Let’s just say that the Olympics made me stray!! Like a lot of people. I am not usually a sports fan but got sucked in, and having the cycling come directly through Dorking at the very start of the games started the ball rolling so to speak ……. all very exciting!
we saw athletes in their prime, and one would hope that as well as dedicated
training, they had used optimum nutrition in order to attain this state.
other day, a friend, who is a keen runner, told me that there had been a third
heart “incident” at his running club within the year. Thankfully the latest was
still alive to tell the tale, but sadly the others, although quite young, were
is quite common for us to equate “fitness” and the ability to run, cycle, play
squash or whatever with being healthy, but often nothing could be farther from
the truth.
heard many a time someone say “X can eat anything; he never puts an ounce of
weight on”. X eats cake, chips, steak,
you name it and remains stick thin, but being stick thin is NOT a measure of
may be constipated or get headaches, but never questions these, assuming them
to be normal because “everyone” gets them. What X is experiencing is the norm,
but it certainly isn’t normal.
isn’t normal to be constipated, or to have headaches. These are symptoms thrown
up by the body to tell us that something is out of balance. Nor is it normal
for women to experience painful menstruation or hot flushes at menopause
(here’s an interesting snippet: the Japanese do not have a word for “hot flush”
because with their traditional healthy diet, they do not experience them!). How
many people have been to the doctors with aching joints and been told it’s just
a part of growing old. No it’s not!!! And it is certainly not normal to keel
over with a heart attack in mid-life or to manifest cancer at any time, whether
you are young or in your 90s.
need to take special notice of the phrase “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT”. I know that our human makeup, complicated
creatures that we are, is not just the sum of all the food we eat; we also have
to take into consideration the air we breathe, our emotional responses to
stress and experiences etc, but thinking about what we put in our mouths is a
HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE part of the jigsaw which makes up “you”.
people who have manifested cancer have said that they thought they were eating
healthily. What were they using as a yardstick? Government guidelines. Oh
dear!!! We have only got to look at two of the key sponsors of the Olympics -
Coca Cola and MacDonald’s - to see that something is dreadfully wrong. This is
simply a reflection of food lobbies, where big food companies use mega £s and a
lot of clout to sway politicians’ thinking.
As a result we have the comically low “5-a-day” message about fruit and
vegetables and a big push about eating lots of animal protein. We do not need
as much protein as we think AND, wait for it, we can get ample from plant-based
diets. We don’t need to top up with lots of steak and nor do we need to drink
you know that the highest rates of osteoporosis are found in countries where
dairy is a staple? For those of you
worried about your bones, and health in general, ditch the milk and start
eating greens!!! !
recently read a superb phrase in a book: “Be an active
participant in your own health”.
Amen to that I say!!
to use an Olympic metaphor……… we have all cheered on our sporting heroes this
past fortnight, and felt elated when they achieved gold. How about trying for a
few golds ourselves? We don’t need to break any world records (although regular
exercise is a big part of a healthy lifestyle) but we could set ourselves some
goals to look after our insides better.
sure a lot of you know the spiel by now ……… more water, less stimulants
(coffee, tea, alcohol), a zillion veg and fruit (Ok perhaps not quite that much
but please aim for way more than 5-a-day), a lot less animal protein (if at
all), ditch the cola and fast foods and other refined junk etc …..
I’m saying this, not as a killjoy, but as a concerned friend.