Monday, 20 January 2014

10 good reasons to drink water

I was watching a small clip on the internet the other day and was inspired to scribble down a bit of what was said (the below is just paraphrased) as it is so appropriate for the start of a year when we make resolutions.

Align your life with your intentions. Dress as the person you want to be. Eat as the person you want to be. Breathe each breath as the person you want to be. Start practising that NOW.
Reframe your thoughts. This is a new moment, a new opportunity.

It’s very simple. To succeed we need to align all aspects of our life with our intentions. So if you have set a New Year’s Resolution to be healthier, a good place to start is by eating as the person you want to be. Let’s not forget drinking water as the person you wish to be too!!  Even if you are a water-fan, it’s sometimes good to be reminded of the benefits of water drinking!!     

10 good reasons to drink WATER
J      Your cells are made up of 70 – 80% water, so it makes them happier.
Happy healthy cells = Happy healthy YOU.
J      Clearer thinking, better focus, better memory
J      Smoother, more comfortable digestion
J      More fluid movements (and no we aren’t talking digestion again) – this time it’s healthy joints!!
J      Clearer, healthier, more beautiful (or handsome) skin
J      Happier waterworks and kidneys 
J      Better circulation, so that oxygen and nutrients reach those faraway bits like your fingertips and tootsies, not to mention all the cells in between, making them happy (See above!)!
J      Healthier lungs and breathing 
J      A more fluid lymph system which means a stronger immune system to help avoid those pesky colds etc
J      More energy – YAY!!

So go on ………. You know you want to …………… have a glass or two of water 

And if you aren’t convinced that getting healthier is a worthwhile goal for this year, remember the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin:  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Another words, don’t wait until you are ill to get off your bottom to do something. Take a proactive role in your health and enjoy a truly vibrant life.  

Monday, 6 January 2014

Bach Essences to support New Year resolutions and other goals

Bach Essences to support New Year resolutions and other goals 
Our resolve is firm, we proudly write down our long list of resolutions for the coming year. Day 1 goes well; on day 2 we go back to work and get sucked into the Hamster wheel that is life, and before we know it, our well-intentioned list is just that: a list in a notebook without action, without shape, and never realised.
Writing things down, building a vision board, writing our goals in a prominent and visible-every-day place all helps, but sometimes the sway of other people or even the voice in our head (telling us that we can’t do such-and-such) is so strong that it’s all too easy to give up and stay within the familiar.
Bach Flower Essences are wonderful for helping us to fulfil our dreams. Here is just a small selection of essences which may help you as you try to make changes in the months ahead.
** Wild Oat - this is actually for when we don’t know what we want to do. We might know that we want a change but have no idea what. This essence is known as the “Compass” and helps to give us direction in our life, often towards a more fulfilling career or relationship, but definitely along the path on which we are meant to be travelling.         
** Walnut – this is known as the “Link-Breaker”. It is for when we know what we want to do (unlike Wild Oat). This is particularly useful for when we want to break old habits as it helps us to stay true to ourselves and protect us from outside influences during times of change.  Maybe we have decided to eat more healthily or to give up smoking? Sadly when we make a change ourselves for the better, it isn’t always well received by family and friends. Often it highlights things which they know they should do themselves but would rather not look at, and where you would hope for encouragement, instead you can get quite the opposite, and it’s all too easy then to fall back into old habits. Walnut can help you stick to your guns.
** Centaury is a good one to take if we find it difficult to say “No” to others, maybe because we want to be liked or don’t want to offend, or maybe out of duty. It helps us to stand up for ourselves and our needs. Suppose we are trying to lose weight and some kindly friend tries to persuade us to have their homemade chocolate cake. We’ve done so well so far and don’t want to ruin all the hard work, but we are being pulled into what our friend wants. Centaury helps us get in touch with what we want, helps us express it and gives us the strength to be our own person, and if not eating the cake serves our purpose, then we can refuse nicely but firmly!!   
** Larch. Often when we suffer with poor self-confidence or self-esteem, we don’t attempt anything new as we expect failure. Larch gives us the confidence in our ability and also to try new things, but if we don’t do so well or perhaps don’t pick things up as quickly as we’d hope, rather than get despondent, we take it in our stride and see it as a valuable experience. After all there is no such thing as failure when we have tried our best.  
** Gentian is a good one if we are easily discouraged. Perhaps we are trying to lose weight, but over the weekend we had a wedding to attend and our good intentions went out of the window. Perhaps in our new exercise regime we strained a muscle which means we have to rest for a week. Rather than give up, we can be encouraged to try again.  
** Clematis is for grounding our dreams. If we are prone to daydreaming about what we will do in the coming year, but nothing comes to fruition, it may be because we are not getting down to the nitty-gritty of actually doing anything!! Dreaming of being a size 10 sadly doesn’t make it so. We need to make changes to our diet and lifestyle!! Enter Clematis, which puts our feet firmly on planet Earth, and helps us to do something to achieve our dreams. 
** Vervain is for when (very un-Clematis-like) we go at something like a bull in a china shop. We breathe, eat, and sleep whatever our new-found passion is, to the exclusion of other things. Vervain helps us to relax and take things at a sensible pace.
** Rock Water is a useful one when we are being too hard on ourselves.  Similar to Vervain, but in this case we have taken things to extremes, and with it removed the fun out of life. We find ourselves meditating for 3 hours at a time and pass by opportunities to go out with friends because of it; or perhaps getting up an hour or two earlier each morning to fit in a “cannot be missed” run, in all weathers, and end up sleep-deprived. Rock Water helps to soften us and our approach to life. We can embrace change without making life a misery!!       
Would you like to learn more? Tune into my "Introduction to Bach Flower Essences" Webinar on  19th February. To register - go to my 2014 Calendar page.      

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year

Wishing you and your cells a Happy, Healthy and Magical Year in 2014