Time to reinvent
you JJ
sooner have we become accustomed to the sunshine and wearing summery things (ok
not wall-to-wall but it’s given us its best shot this year, don’t you think?),
than we find ourselves approaching autumn once more. September for many
households is all about “Back to School”, not just for youngsters but for those
pursuing adult courses. It’s an opportunity to learn new things, meet new
friends and in some cases reinvent ourselves. I know when I ventured on my
naturopathic nutrition course – oh so many years ago – it opened doors that I
didn’t even know existed. It introduced me to a new way of thinking which
turned my world upside down and with it my health – or in my case, transformed
my lack of health to more energy and a feeling of wellbeing, which I hadn’t had
for a VERY long time.
So let’s take the “Vibrancy quiz”.
question to you is – on a scale of 0 to 10 (where 0 doesn’t even register, 1 is
extremely poor / low, to 10 which is brilliant/ vibrant/ flying high or not
applicable) how do you rate on the following? Be honest with yourself!!
Energy levels
* Physical wellbeing
* Mental and emotional wellbeing
* Weight
* Coping with Stress
* Coping with a niggling health complaint
Coping with a serious getting-in-the-way-of-life complaint
* Pain-free,
* Enjoying a comfortable and smooth-running digestive system
* Coping
with life in general!
* Fulfilling your potential
If you scored 7 or less on any of these, it’s time to reinvent yourself, and the good news is YOU CAN. J By embracing new ideas and a healthy diet, I literally ate my way back to health, and waved goodbye to M.E. for good. We have far more control over our own health and wellbeing than we are led to believe by so called experts including, sadly, doctors who in the past haven’t had a Scooby-doo what to do with me and have told me “to learn to live with it”. (D’oh?!)
not easy to take the first steps to a new you on your own, especially when it
comes to diet. I took mine with the support of college friends, but realise
that not everyone wants to enrol on a 2-year course!
Fancy unearthing a “new you”? I offer 1:1s and group events to help you on your
way. Why not consider
J My
introductory talk “How Happy Are your Cells” is a wonderful starter for ten to get you
thinking about the basics. “This is a BRILLIANT talk…. I consider myself as a healthy
person so was surprised how much I learnt when I heard this talk, as it is so
jam-packed with info…….I guarantee you will leave inspired and much more aware
of how to make your cells happy!“
Next = Mon 30 Sep, 8pm
J My “Nourish
to Flourish” weekend workshop is packed with info, tips, tasters, handouts and recipes
and gives you a great all-round view of what a healthy diet can do for you. It
can literally change you from the inside out. ”Your course stripped everything bare and helped
me to look deeper into a way of life of all things natural, in relation to
lifestyle, diet, stress etc., essentially the bigger and complete
picture. Your delivery is easy to follow and the handouts are excellent,
covering everything which we are now able to read and re-read at home. I felt
refreshed just as a result of our weekend, of listening and learning and
sharing, and came home well informed and inspired to start to make changes
along the natural nutrition journey” Next = Sat / Sun 14/15 Sep at 10.30 – 16.30
both days. Lunch included.
See my Talks
and Workshops page for more details of both events
J 1:1
to meet individual needs and concerns.
During September / October, I am offering a £10 discount on your first
consultation and £5 off all follow ups.
If interested in any of the above - drop me a line or phone me. Contact details at www.judithreidnaturalhealth.co.uk